Its been a long week. Mostly good, but a lot of adjustment on all of our parts. I started my new job on Tuesday. So far, so good. Trying to make a good first impression and not seem too crazy can be draining though. I'm not sure how I'm doing on that effort as each day my new boss has said "you're funny"several times in a surprised type of voice . I also noticed today that I was drinking my coffee out of a mug bearing the name of an anti-depressant (thanks to a drug rep family member). I'm thinking that might not have been the best mug to choose when trying to make a good impression...
I always said that the busier I am, the more productive, and while that is true, I am certainly testing out that theory to the max right now. Not only did I start a new job, but I'm also juggling a freelance job and am about to start another one. I also decided to host a playdate this week, just to assure myself that I'd still have time for my friends. All in all, its been a lot to handle.
The key, I'm finding, is to stay organized. One of my favorite parts of a new year is a new PLANNER. I am a giant nerd about school supplies and love nothing more than a fresh new paper planner. My new one has several rows across each week, so I've used these to plan out my schedule, the kids' schedules, the kids' lunches, our family dinners, as well as keep track of my freelance work. And did I mention that Big A started swim lessons this week too? Maybe I am crazy...
The best part of this week has been seeing how well the girls are doing. J and I were talking over dinner about how proud we were of Little A when she piped in with, "I'm well adjusted"! It took a few minutes to decipher what she was saying because we couldn't believe she was saying it. She's taken right to school, with not one single tear. She is napping there, and her daily sheet has had "happy" checked in her mood column every day. I couldn't ask for more. Big A is enjoying the extra time too. In fact, she hasn't wanted to leave the last few days when I picked her up. I'm happy she's having fun, but its a little embarrassing when your kid is not interested in going home with you. I'm hoping Social Services doesn't knock on my door to find out why she'd rather hang out at school than at home.
Big A also got her "progress report" this week and is doing really well. Her teacher noted that she started the year off shy, but has really opened up and made new friends. The only area she needs improvement on is her self-confidence, which surprised me a little, but I guess I could see how her shyness could be interpreted as a lack of confidence. At least I know at home she is plenty confident!
Today I worked till 2:30, then headed to my freelance job till 5, picked up the girls and came home to make homemade pizzas with their help. Dinner was immediately followed by playtime upstairs, pjs, and bedtime and I realized I hadn't sat on my beloved spot on the couch all day. What a 180 from just a week ago!
All in all, I think we're all going to thrive in our new roles, but it will take a little bit of adjustment, mostly on my part. I'm seeing some earlier bedtimes in my very near future. TGIF, ya'll!
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