About this blog...

The Other Side of the Fence follows a former working mama as she explores "the other side of the fence" first-hand as a temporary stay-at-home mom.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What if your parents blogged about you?

Every once in a while, I think about how much things have changed in our world with technology. Most of it I love - hello, Facebook addict right here - but some of it gives me pause. For example, its hard to imagine my parents blogging about me and my sister and brother as babies/toddlers although I sure would love to look back on that! Our kids are going to have such incredible journals of their childhoods, maybe even more than they want to know. And to a point its great...but when does that point end?

Am I still going to be blogging when my girls are teenagers? "Big A got her period today. I'm so happy for her!" That would have been cause for mortal embarrassment when I was a teenager, and I can't imagine that it would be any different today. And somehow, someway, I'm sure my kids' friends would find the blog, and I couldn't bear to be responsible for my children's social downfall. It will be bad enough that I even exist when they're teenagers, if I remember correctly.

I'm guessing I'll know when its time to shut down the old blog. Maybe when they are old enough for their own e-mail addresses, I'll go back to having my own life and not just recording theirs. Until then, I'll continue to share all the cute, embarrassing and small details that I can.

Like how the girls said "I love you" to each other tonight and held hands to go brush their teeth. And then pretended to be cats and crawled around on the floor. That almost overshadowed the complete meltdown of a "walk" we took earlier which ended with me carrying a screaming Little A under my arm while several of my neighbors no doubt called CPS on me. On second thought, do I really want that little ditty to be something my girls can read in 30 years? Hmm....

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