One is the loneliest number...
You know how before kids you think that life is pretty busy and stressful? And then you have a baby and wonder why you thought your life was hard before? And then you have another one and wonder why you thought one kid was so hard? I imagine this keeps happening until a certain point when the 7th or 8th kid actually gets easier as kids 1, 2 and 3 move into caretaker roles. But for most people, you simply adjust your life to each child and daydream about the way it used to be.
In some ways, it is easier just having one - particularly out in public, when there's only one child to wrangle and watch. But at home, I have to say that having one kid is actually harder for me. For starters, I can't say "Go play with your sister" right now. And mealtime conversation with a 1 year old is decidedly less entertaining than with a 4 year old to keep things entertaining. It only takes a little extra effort to give two kids a bath versus one, or cut up two grilled cheeses instead of one.
Of course there is one benefit I can't deny - naptime. Ah, naptime. Since Big A doesn't nap anymore, I don't get much of a break during the day. But with just Little A, I get 2 glorious hours of free time. Can't argue with that.
Little A is also in a really cute stage right now and its funny to watch her come up with new phrases. She is fond of telling me to "shoo shoo go away" but she doesn't really mean it. Having me all to herself seems to heighten her clinginess and she does not like me to move out of her line of vision. Think tantrums when I try to use the bathroom or get a drink in the next room. Better save that for naptime...
But despite it being harder or easier, the real truth is that I miss Big A. It doesn't feel right without her here and our rituals feel empty without her. Little A notices it too and has frequently been inquiring, "Where Abby?"
We are both looking forward to seeing her on Friday. Let's just hope Big A is as excited to see us and doesn't let this new found freedom go to her head.
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